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Waterline experts
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Posted 4/18/2024 22:34 (#10712165 - in reply to #10712040)
Subject: RE: Waterline experts

frank l - 4/18/2024 17:58

Don’t know much about solar and how much it can push
Could you get 1 1/2 black plastic pipe lay it on ground and try it first.
Could always bury it a foot later and blow it out in fall

If you can pump with an electric powered pump, you just change from power line running you juice to making it with a solar panel. Have NRCS designed system with cost share under the EQUIP program ( yes farmers welfare, around here all the big boys use it, so me with less than 75 cows got in on it too). This pumps a 1/4 mile 300 to 400 feet higher up to the highest hilltop to 5000 gal tank.

There is more than one kind pipe on spool you can get. There is heavy duty that is about the same cost as PVC but will stand more pressure. Several guys berrying it with a ripper tooth on a dozer in my area. This the only video I could find quick, and it is facebook besides my lack of computer skill to get a live link. Sorry it is not better, but some of you can get to see it, if you have intrest.
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