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Mole plow drainage?
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Posted 2/11/2024 19:26 (#10619267 - in reply to #10618177)
Subject: RE: Mole plow drainage?

Chatham Ontario.
My father bought a 3pth mole plow when I was in my teens. We always seemed to be compacting our fields from harvesting veg crops either wet or late in the fall. We just didn't have enough tile drainage. He thought it would be better than nothing. I tried to find out the theory ( this is way before the internet). The reading I found was out of Europe. If I remember right, your sub soils need to have a very high clay content. Then you run the mole when the subsoil is about as wet as you can get through the field ,basically smearing the channel in place to make it stable enough to last several years. Our sub soils had some clay but we couldn't bring ourselves to mud the field anymore than it already was. We actually waited for a dry period to fracture the messes we made. We have some very heavy clay farms in our county. They have all been improved with very intensive tiling,down to 15 ft spacing. Some take several years after that investment for the earthworms to find the energy to dig down to tile depth. Lol.
Just something to think about.
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