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Hedge apples
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John Burns
Posted 11/26/2023 12:16 (#10497615 - in reply to #10496620)
Subject: RE: Hedge fence post

Pittsburg, Kansas
Osage Orange is the official name. Hedge is what they are called here locally. A line post will typically last around 50 years. I have some in a pile we pulled out of a fence that was as old or older than me that there are a number of them that could be reused in a fence. They are 60-70 years old.

You sure could not drive steeples in them though. Have to use wire to attach the barb wire.

Hard as a rock. Make good fire wood but you better not be too proud of your chainsaw chain because sparks will fly when cutting those old posts up. And better be an enclosed stove. It will pop huge chunks out when opening the door.

I used 10-12 inch diameter hedge posts to build my dock going out 80 feet into my 3 acre pond. I consider them lifetime posts.

Edited by John Burns 11/26/2023 12:21
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