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Ag leader liquid control module rate not working
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Posted 11/18/2023 13:40 (#10487073 - in reply to #10486128)
Subject: RE: Ag leader liquid control module rate not working

Got the steering fixed with a calibration, still trying to get the aggressiveness/ smooth settings set, a lot of the times it doesn’t want to get closer then a foot to the line even with the aggressiveness turned all up.

Still have not figure out the controller problem, this a pwm, I was on the phone with ag leader and we tried all kinds of things in those settings and I don’t think changing the zero flow offset changed anything. I thought maybe the system just isn’t capable of doing the low 6 gal work, but I put it to 10 and slowed down to appropriate speed per the tee jet chart for 40 psi and it still sky rocketed the psi.
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