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John Phipps blog-starting in farming
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Posted 10/30/2014 05:18 (#4151573)
Subject: John Phipps blog-starting in farming

deep SW On.
On John's blog INCOMING he writes about the days of starting as a hired man and eventually being an owner is over and farming is turning intaan aristocracy . Other than outside income or a lottery do you see any new farm start ups? Land rents have most of the profits bid out of them now and all the land that gets sold is going to larger and larger operators so with $$$ needed to farm will we see maybe 90% of present day farmers exit the business. In Ontario we still are mostly independent pork producers but in past 25 yrs. we have went from 20,000 to 1,500 . Looking at all the elevators that have closed,machinery dealers closed/amalgamated and most land held tightly by old guys still wanting to expand things are going to change drastically for farmers and suppliers in the next few years . One thing could change the trend is if farm economy crashes or gov'ts decide that maybe it isn't right to have taxpayers sending generous $$$ to farmers who are multi millionaires .Grain farmers even with high rents or land payments pretty much dodged the bullet this year as with bumper crops income should stay pretty good.
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