Southern Ontario | Southern Ontario. Started and finished corn harvest March 22 - 25. Finally cleared the snow and got some frost in the ground sufficient to carry the combines. The first frozen ground conditions all winter. Corn is no-till 30" twin. Been leaving corn out for 25 years. Last year harvested in early January. Did not plan on leaving this long this year, however weather dictated. Moisture was 16 -16.3 percent. I also harvested my variety plot with yields ranging from 148 - 167 bu. per acre. Standability was near perfect with 1 - 2 percent lodging. Corn was planted June 6 2017 as we were wet all May. Corn quality was awesome and test weights improved to be grade two. Fines are also low. We would start combining around three AM and work till about ten when it started to thaw. Thanks to my crew of five each day for the success. The 7720's are 1982 and 1983's and the 7700 is a 1976 (about $27000 Cdn investment)
Edited by sfonger 3/29/2018 18:08
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