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JD 3010 shifting question
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Mike SE IL
Posted 4/3/2011 17:27 (#1706307)
Subject: JD 3010 shifting question

West Union, Illinois

I was at a neighbor's auction last week and thought more of his Grandpa's old 3010 than anyone else there apparently did, so it followed me home.  This is the only green tractor on the farm and my experience with Deere's involves an 8630, so it is almost like speaking a foreign language.  It doesn't want to stay in reverse very well.  Since I have driven a 966 Farmall for almost 40 years a shifter that is difficult isn't anything new to me.  But I wonder if this might be just a linkage adjustment or something?

Can someone point me in the right direction?

(Image1979 (Small).jpg)

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