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JD Z930M Safety Additions (Pics)
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Von WC Ohio
Posted 5/31/2023 21:10 (#10251539)
Subject: JD Z930M Safety Additions (Pics)

Still completely happy with the performance of the JD Z930 M and really like the comfort glide suspension seat.

I mow miles of ditches, some along a state road, most of the rest are county and township roads. I always mow blowing the grass into the ditch so my back is to oncoming traffic.

People up the road have a new teen driver that goes like a bat out of H and blows through stop signs on a T road to boot. Couple that with a close by veteran club that serves beer and those people like taking the back road home.

Makes me nervous with all the distracted drivers and not knowing who might be barreling along and not be paying attention.

So I decided to add a couple things to better keep me aware of what is going on behind me and trying to get their attention so they slow down.

I added a large convex mirror on the front left corner so I can see what is coming up behind me.


For the beacon, I got a kit from Shoup that was about 1/2 of what JD wanted for the unit specific kit for this machine.

I routed 2 wires, with the hot being fused from the battery under the seat in loom along an existing engine harness then up the roll guard.

The kit came with a bracket and I wanted it out of the way and on the left rear. I leave the roll bar up all the time as I mow some steeper ditches and have pruned all trees so that the rollbar will go under them without issues. The existing bracket that pins the rollbar in different positions made a good spot to mount the bracket. If need be I can lower the rollbar in the first hole but cannot put it all the way down which I am fine with.

The bracket already had a hole for the ground bolt but I enlarged it to accept a switch to operate the light. I did not want to butcher the control panel by cutting a hole. This way it can all be removed and installed on another in the future without permanently modifying anything. The switch has a rubber boot over the lever to keep dust and the elements out of the switch. and the beacon can easily be removed from the socket which gets covered with the dust plug.

If anyone is interested I can make the links to the mirror, switch, and beacon kit I used.

Hope this give others an idea on how to stay safer.

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