Central ND | Brand new baler about 15% of the time the net wrap slides in on the right side edge. When I check afterwards the wrap is even distributed across the duckbill when done. The other times make a perfect bale but is frustrating when the wrap isn't getting to the edge those other times. Don't know if its related but once in awhile the baler won't start the wrap and I have to hold the button on the monitor for it wrap after is throws a fault after the baler didn't wrap. Also once in awhile it says the knife cut has not returned to the home position then I have to mess around with the monitor in manual mode to get it back home. What else is weird is that it seems to happen in streaks 20-30 bales all good then misses two or three on the edges in a row then these other electronic issues. Before people start screaming user error or bad net wrap local dealer already suggested that, funny how I can make over 14000 bales on our old BR7090 with the same net wrap with maybe 5 bales a year have an issue. I want my 7090 back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by dakotaboy 7/14/2018 19:10
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