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ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm
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Posted 9/19/2017 13:48 (#6257373)
Subject: ISX Cummins longevity - adding another truck to the farm

Rivers, MB
We are in the market for a 3rd highway tractor/semi. Currently have 2 IH's. a 9200 w/ a little Detroit and a 05 9900 with an ISX.

Have found a 2007 IH 9200 set up the way we want (475 hp, 18 spd, 46 rears, full lockers) and it has an ISX in it. 1.2million kms (750 000 miles). Truck is from a fleet. Full service records from new. Very well maintained. Price seems very reasonable. Only hang up is the motor. Hasn't been touched besides EGR valve a few times. Friend tells me to run away. ISX at that many miles/kms is a big concern.

Is this concern legit? Have found trucks cheaper. But nowhere as nice condition wise and no service records.

My gut feel is to take chance on the motor because everything else about the truck makes sense. Full service records are making me feel confident there won't be a bunch of surprises on the truck. But maybe I'm out to lunch.

Truck will get less than 10000 kms (6000 miles) per year. And is a bit redundant at times of the year so not hard done by if its down.

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