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john deere db60 what is this connector do?
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Posted 3/13/2015 22:41 (#4452155)
Subject: john deere db60 what is this connector do?

ok hooking a db60 to a different tractor,
got most of the cables in place like dealer said.
got the planter to move out of the shed but it won't show up on the screen when I turn on the brownbox,
raising and lowering works so hydraulics work.
I think i'm missing a hookup which is this 3 way pin connector.
What does it do and how do I hook it up?


1. is the deutz connector
2. is my 3 section control connector
3. planter control cable (for raising and lowering markers etc)

(cable 2.jpg)

(cable gps.jpg)

Attachments cable 2.jpg (127KB - 259 downloads)
Attachments cable gps.jpg (104KB - 270 downloads)
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