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Hesston 4755 baler
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John in IL
Posted 7/1/2010 07:52 (#1256773)
Subject: Hesston 4755 baler

I am looking for a "product review" of a Hesston 4755 baler for anyone that has used or owned one. Also have a couple of questions, What are the weak points of these machines, what kind of capacity can be expected (tons per hr, bales per hr), or anything else you can tell me. I am looking into getting into this 3X3X8 bale market and have been looking for a baler. I am going to have to go with a used baler to start with for under $30,000 so this machine seems to fit the bill. When I lived out west I saw a lot of the Hesston 4900's and 4910's being run but never any of these 4755 balers and am wondering what kind of machines these are. Thanks for any and all input.
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