SW Ontario | I have an 8700 has started stalling the last few times it has been used. It doesnt run bad if it is just idling but as soon it is revved up and worked abit it will bog down and start misfiring or knocking. It then often bogs done to less then 700 rpms and will generally stall on its own but sometimes has to be shut off. It seems to be getting worse,. Used to be able work the tractor for 30 mins before it would act up and by now cant hardly drive it at all with out it acting up. Once it stalls it will generally start up again quite easy. Had the injection pump rebuilt a year ago and only have put 50 hours at the most on the tractor since. Also I just replaced the fuel filters and it didnt make any difference, Could it be bad injectors, is the lift pump on the side of the injection pump bad or could it be something else? TIA | |