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Centrifugal Pump vs Diaphragm Pump
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Posted 2/4/2015 21:08 (#4363751)
Subject: Centrifugal Pump vs Diaphragm Pump

I have done quite a few searches on this question and getting a very wide range of opinions, so sorry I know this has been discussed quite a bit. We are building a fertilizer tool bar and are putting on a liquid system and I am a little confused in what pump should be used. Most people who sell fertilizer systems for a living (I.E. Agxcel, Surefire Ag) use diaphragm pumps on their systems. We were wondering why this is the case when our case IH sprayer (3330 ) and many sprayers use centrifugal pumps. We will be using a John Deere 2630 and rate controller and will be running very wide ranges of variable rates, some fields range from 15 gpa to 30+ gpa. Planning on running a 60 foot toolbar at 8+ mph. Alot of places that I read say that a centrifugal pump can't handle the change in speed like a diaphragm and that is why it is the pump of choice by many of these companies? I'm just trying to grasp the concepts here? Any help would be appreciated.

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