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Kubota M9540 tractor... any thoughts?
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Posted 7/21/2011 18:12 (#1873268)
Subject: Kubota M9540 tractor... any thoughts?

Central Missouri
I am thinking of trading off my JD 6400 for a used Kubota M9540 with 500 hrs. Reason is the JD has about 6000 hrs on it and looking to upgrade. The Kubota also has a front end loader that I am looking for as well. I use the JD to bale hay with a JD 567 baler and sometimes to mow pastures with a JD CX20. Otherwise it is used to haul hay out to the cows... hence the need for the front loader.

My question: Can the Kubota handle the equipment and can it do the job for me like the JD 6400? Will I notice a drop in power between the two tractors? Any problems with Kubota tractors, ie. mechanical, handling, repairability?
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