| I am making plans to put down 2'' of foam board insulation under my concrete for infloor heat. The building is a pole building that is already up. I see it is also important to insulate vertically around the perimeter to a depth of 2 or 3 feet. This is where my question comes in at. What is the easy way to dig a 4 inch trench right next to the wall? It could be dug on the inside or exterior of the wall. I see before someone mentioned pouring a rat wall. I assume this was vertical cement wall to keep critters out from your infloor plumbing? A 4'' trench would allow for 2''foam and a 2'' rat wall that would not have to be formed to pour.
1. I have been looking for a walkbehind trencher but it seems all the models dig 15 inches from the side of the machine. Does anyone know of one that digs on the side of the machine?
2. Use a Mini excavator. we actually have one of these but it digs an 8 or 10'' trench
Anyone have a better idea? What have others done? | |