Lapel, In | Have no choice but to buy another combine now. Dropped the old 7720 into a septic tank this afternoon.(long story)Tore the rear axle out from under it. Wrecker the rear hood, straw chopper, chaff spreader and who knows what else. Didn't want to buy another being so close to retirement. Thought about going to Everett's sale today. Guess I should have.9510/2000 hours $56,000. Local dealer has a 9550/1500hours @$90,000. A good 9500 is more than I need for the acres, but they are hard to find. Is a 50 series with comparable hours to a 10 series worth $20,000 more ?
9610 4WD/1200 hours at a CIH sounds like the best deal at $69,500. Never liked to buy anything Deere from another brand dealer. You think it could be a lemon ? | |