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Almost weaning time (pics)
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play in the dirt
Posted 8/13/2010 21:08 (#1314305)
Subject: Almost weaning time (pics)

south central IOWA
I was able to get some pictures of Dad's cows and calves today. Couple more weeks till he weans them. I'll try to explain the pics in order.

463 and 259: My future herd bull that was going to get cut until I decided to take a chance on him.
260: In Dew Time bull calf. He was 62lbs. when he was born. Thought he wouldn't mount to anything.
264: In Dew Time bull calf out of a first calf heifer. One of my favorites.
252: Triple C Invasion bull calf
253: Dream On bull calf
256: Mother and Daughter to the right for you baldy fans.
257: Four wheeler needed washed off









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Attachments 0501010256[1].jpg (91KB - 224 downloads)
Attachments 0501010257[1].jpg (56KB - 230 downloads)
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