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Bosch injection pump oil leak on 8.3 Cummins(pics)
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Posted 9/10/2008 23:37 (#457103)
Subject: Bosch injection pump oil leak on 8.3 Cummins(pics)

West Central Iowa
I have a mechanical 8.3 Cummins engine in the combine (93 R62) with the Bosch injection pump that is leaking from the bottom of the pump especially near the drive end. I understand there is an o-ring under the bottom plate that is notorious for leaking. It looks like there is a plate held on by six small bolts. Is there anything under the plate that can fall out when removed? I plan on getting the o-ring tomorrow at the pump shop and will ask them too but just wondering if anyone is familiar with this repair and has any tips. The red circled area is where oil drips off the bolt heads on the bottom of the pump.

Edited by mailman13 9/10/2008 23:39

(SANY0347 (Small).JPG)

(SANY0349 (Small) edit.JPG)

Attachments SANY0347 (Small).JPG (72KB - 463 downloads)
Attachments SANY0349 (Small) edit.JPG (48KB - 453 downloads)
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