East central Iowa | Had a JD 2955 for five years a/c has quit 4 out of 5 annually.
Anyway, was making hay and last 2hrs. a/c wasn't keeping cool so cranked thermostat father than normal still not keeping up. Figured I had condenser plugging or radiator. (Temp was 95 degrees). or filters from dust and dirt. So I cleaned everything and replaced the thermostat in cab because it always seemed touchy.
Well that didn't help still barely cools at all. So can I add some Freon to it? how much?
The last trip to JD was 18 months ago had A/C compressor replaced, charged and cooled great, until now.
The mechanic seems to do good work just want to get past 3rd cutting hay. 2 or 3 days running.
Thanks Dave | |