Schlegel Farms, Hagerstown Indiana | I've seen several posts about this origination on these boards.
If I'm not mistaken there was a family member that posted on here, a year or so back, and was not treated very nice as I recall.
I haven't paid a lot of attention because most threads turned into a "Big is Bad" slam fest, and that is not what I'm asking about.
I apologize if this has all been discussed, but I didn't follow the previous posts to closely, and was hoping someone could fill in the blanks for me.
I just read an article in "Top Producer" about Family Farms LLC, run by a Allen Lash. As I understand it...he has a "club" that I can join, if I'm good enough, and he will enroll my farm for $28/acre, and he will LET me farm it and tell me how to farm it properly. OR, his right hand man a Rick Rosentreter (first fellow to sign up) may farm it for me (I'm not totally clear on that). Now to be considered "good enough" to get in the club I have to be a real go getter..type A personality sort of fellow.
At first I thought this was a totally different operation from the IFF...but I read where a Rich Killam and his sons pulled out of the "club" in March 2009...Killam is the only name I recognized in the whole article (and I think it's the name that I associated with IFF, not Lash and Rosentreter) I thought ILL was a one family farm (Killam)....just a big one.
Is Family Farms LLC and Illinois Family Farms the same thing?
What am I missing in this "Join the Club" plan? My first opinion is what the crap is this Lash fellow smoking. I;m not going to pay someone $28 to farm my farm...what is his contribution?
..........................................Mark |