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spra coupe 3630 problems
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Posted 7/6/2011 21:05 (#1851546)
Subject: spra coupe 3630 problems

NW Ohio
Ok, I've read a lot of blogs about the Peugeot motor in the 34/3630's. This spring we had some major overheating. We didn't think the radiator was all that bad, because we ran some water through it. By the way it built up pressure so fast, we thought we had a head gasket problem, so we replaced that and also had the head and valves redone. We're getting the radiator looked at as I type, so hopefully that will overcome that problem. Other problem is that we think we may have gotten out of time just a little. A lot of blue smoke with a little black mixed in also. We had black smoke before the head gasket replacement, but now a lot of blue smoke. It still runs about 3200 rpm, but no power. We did mark the valves, but not the injector pump, but we didn't move the motor. Timing belt looks good btw. Could it be the turbo? I did some checking and it's a Garret turbo. We've put a lot of replacements on the coupe, so it's basically new except for the engine. I see a lot of posts about a cummins, which costs 12,000. Still a lot cheaper than a newer 44/4640 for about 40,000. We've got 75' booms too which is nice. Still like to keep the Peugeot running for awhile, esp since we put money in the head.
Any help? I see that some suggest a "special" tool to time, but why can't you turn the injector just a little without turning anything else?

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