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JD 4840 good and bands
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Posted 12/28/2012 18:55 (#2782241)
Subject: JD 4840 good and bands

I am going to look a a 4840 John Deere. The price seems fairly cheep @ $12,000 and the guy said he was not married to that price. The pics don't look to bad. He said the motor runs strong and uses no oil. And the power shift trans works like it should. The pto does not work. Hours are unknown. And do not know the year at this point.
Are the later models better than the earlier models
What else should a person look at for wear?
I would assume that it has high hours, I am thinking a fixer upper as I am not afraid of doing the repair work my self. Am I wasting my time?

The guy has owned it for 13 years and bought it with the pto not working. He is a small farmer and does not put many hour a year on it.
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