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4955 vs 4960 JD tractor
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Posted 1/26/2016 16:08 (#5065795)
Subject: 4955 vs 4960 JD tractor

Rivers, MB
Looking at getting rid of a 4430 2wd and adding a higher hp mfwd tractor. Have outgrown the 4430 and nobody wants to drive it in the field if the 7800 mfwd is sitting available. Will pull a small disc, 750 bu grain cart, 28' chisel plow/cultivator, harrow etc. Possibly pull a 16 row planter some day down the road. Not a main tractor but keeps hours off our quadtracs.

CAD/USD exchange is horrible right now so makes buying in the US not very attractive. $1.40 exchange makes those 50-60K USD 8300/8400's a $100K tractor up here :-(

Not many higher hp row crop size tractors available in Western Canada as they were never a super big seller as most used a 4WD.

On a budget so looking at 47/4955's or 47/4960's. Would love an 83/8400 but seem to be priced very high.

Question is:

Is there a big difference between the 55 and 60 series JD tractors. Exhaust on the side, vertical vs horizontal oil filter and key shut-off (vs diesel pull shutoff) are the major differences I'm aware of. Are there some others? Same engine I presume?

I know some on here have had very bad experiences with 4960's. Cousin had a 4960 and loved it.

What say the experts?

Edited by mennoboy 1/26/2016 16:10
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