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Whats the best Tractor Stereo you ever had??????
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Posted 1/30/2014 07:22 (#3647767)
Subject: Whats the best Tractor Stereo you ever had??????

SW Michigan
For us hands down was the factory stereo in a new Cat 75E, It had the k.a.s.s which stood for (Kick a.. stereo system) TRUE! that was told to us from Cat engineer's on a Cat trip. It had a sub woofer under the seat, that baby would rock. The next one would be the factory stereo in a JD 8960 we had, that thing could crank out the tunes also, however when that radio died, the replacement I think was a JVC not an AC Delco and it just did not have the punch. These new tractors today just don't seem to have a great sounding stereo in them for what the tractor cost. If you buying a car for that kind of money just think what the Bose system would be like in it!!! They get the job done I guess.
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