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GSI Top Dry vs. Tower Dryer (I know this has been discussed alot already.)
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Posted 1/18/2012 21:30 (#2170560)
Subject: GSI Top Dry vs. Tower Dryer (I know this has been discussed alot already.)

I would like to know what you guys with the 30', 11 ring, and two burner GSI Top Drys are getting for cooled bushels an hour removing 10 points. We recently found out these Top Dry units are not as much money as tower dryers and for the most part do pretty much the same thing. They obviously also can act as a storage bin when they are not drying. I have some concerns though regarding them. How do you clean the screens in a top dry ( if you have to)? I personally don't know if I would like being that committed to a dryer and not really ever being able to expand to a bigger one once you commit to a certain size Top Dry. With the towers you can always put another one in that is a little taller with a bigger blower to get more capacity if you need it. The towers for the most part are fairly easy to clean and maintain if you ask me and it seems they dry the corn very evenly. What we love about them is they only take up about a 15ft. in diameter circle with their footprint. They cost more and offer absolutely no storage, which are the huge downfalls of a tower. I guess what I am looking for is some info from folks with experience with the newer GSI Top Dry units and maybe even some info from folks who have ran both side by side. Looking at Meyer 1400S Tower and 30' 11 ring double burner Top Dry. Thank you all for your time!
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