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Triticale silage and double cropping?
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Posted 4/9/2016 21:09 (#5232868)
Subject: Triticale silage and double cropping?

west central illinois
Iv been brain storming after getting my last hay grinding bill for 1200 bucks to grind junk hay I'm using to custom background calves. I'm thinking man there's gota be a better way. Where I'm located it's all irritated sand ground and pretty much all farmer by one guy. I'm thinking about seeing if he would let me plant some triticale on say 40 acres of his ground and paying him say 50 bucks an acre for the opertunity and after I harvest it he can go ahead and plant his corn. It'll cheapen up his cash rent so that's a win for him and as far the yield hit I'm not sure how that will work. It's very poor ground in the First place so its yield potential is low to begin with. Does anyone have thoughts on this? All the ground I have at my feedlot is in cornsilage production and I winter my cows on it so it's pretty much destroyed by the time spring comes here or I would do this on my own ground. But if I'm doing my math right if a 10 Ton triticale crop is grown it's still half as much per ton as my junk hay I'm feeding now. Plus it's way better feed. Shoot holes in this for me please.
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