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Rant: People who give Craigslist a bad name...
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Posted 12/13/2010 21:44 (#1484601)
Subject: Rant: People who give Craigslist a bad name...

Lander, WY
So I'm looking for a different commuter car...found one on Craigslist last night, low miles, good price. I emailed the guy that if it was as he said, I'd buy it and asking when/where to get together, got a response about 20 minutes later saying he gets home from school (he's a teacher) about 4. So today I drive an hour south (I work in NW Denver area, he's in SW Denver) and go to his place, get there about 5 till 4. Few minutes later, he pulls up, I walk over...and so do some other people... This...we'll keep this civil and call him a guy...had told everyone to be there at 4. After one guy cusses him for telling everyone to be there at the same time and storms off, one lady said "I have cash". Everyone else said "Me too", she said "I have $100 more"... I say I'm not getting in a bidding war, he doesn't deserve more and walk away... Guy seemed stunned that it was a problem he had more than one person there! Don't know what happened after I left, don't care, just plenty peeved that I spent and extra hour and a half driving instead of getting home...

And now I'm searching craigslist again for cars. :-) Maybe I'll look east, tend to find people with more common sense the farther I get from the Front Range...
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