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Case 2594 or JD 4640
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Posted 1/1/2015 10:42 (#4279117)
Subject: Case 2594 or JD 4640

NC Indiana
Buddy is trading in the 52nd Case 2594 made with 7300+ hrs on the tach, 2500 hrs on major, 1 yr on the radiator and hyd pump, 20.8 42's radials with hub duals (50%), 4 remotes, needs a cab kit, has been running a Penta twin screw tmr mix on a 2000 heifer developer farm. Says he's going to be south of $10k on it.

Or, he's working on a JD 4640 quad, radials, hub duals, wts, resent cab kit, 6k+ hrs with a major about 1k hrs ago, paints faded. Hardest its worked is pulling a 7 shank JD disk chisel the last 13 yrs. Says he'll be in the $23,500-25k range.

Looking for something to pull the chopper, run the smart-till when we need to, run the 600 bu grain cart, pull something out when we get stuck, and what ever else we find to do with it. I'm thinking the Case will do the job, but I've never been in one. I've not run a quad JD much either, other than mow stalks. What do you all think?
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