I realize similar posts have been made, but, here goes anyway. I just want to throw this out there in case some of you would take a look at your profiles and consider putting up your location. Often conversation about "you name it" would have more meaning if there was some reference of location. Talk about weather, harvest progress, typical machinery, irrigation, soil drainage, crop conditions, local customs, etc, etc have geographical significance. Do you understand this? I find myself looking in profiles quite often to see where "here" is and most of the time I am disappointed because it is left blank. What's up with that? People have to be pretty paranoid to not divulge their location when they haven't even given out their real name. What is it about forums that make people so funny about their identity? I'm stuck with my handle because you can't change them (well, there is a way, but not worth it to me). This is the first and only forum I have been on. I knew nothing about the "normal" customs on such forums when I signed up because I simply didn't have the luxury of "lurking" for awhile to check out the territory...I needed help with a precision ag problem and had to sign up to make a post. I got the impression though that you were supposed to stay anonymous, hence my handle is simply sfi, the acronym of my farm name. But now that I have been around for a little while I think it is silly to have need to hide one's identity. If you are a crummy enough individual to make crappy, demeaning remarks to someone else on a world wide forum, surely you have thick enough skin to be identified. If you are typically a helpful, positive poster, you have nothing to hide from and most of you have your real names in your profile. Why not put it in your signature to save us the step of checking your real name. I've noticed that many people begin their reply with the real name of the person they are replying to...in order to make some small sort of human connection I think...which is good. Maybe asking for names is asking a lot, but at least consider putting in your location. It would make reading on here more educational in my opinion. edit: what the heck!! why doesn't signature show? I double and triple checked and it just isn't showing? Good grief...I'm looking pretty stupid to the whole world now. Trust me, it's on other posts I've made.
Edited by sfi 12/6/2010 01:16