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Cornhead bang for your buck
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Posted 7/5/2010 09:57 (#1261084)
Subject: Cornhead bang for your buck

Central KS
Since we got a little rain last night, I am going to start looking for a corn head. Have talked to several different people with different opionions. I have a 9750 Deere combine. I have always figured I would get an 843 or 893. I want something with knife rolls, so I was probably leaning towards an 893. But... After talking to some different dealers, I have had several that recommended a 1083 Case IH. They said as far knife rollers go, the 10 series case heads were petty hard to beat. I talked to another dealer that had an 883 header that had been updated to like a 1083 with the waterpump bearings. I was wondering what header would be a good reliable head, and would do a good job of cutting the stalks off for me. Which ones will have the best gearboxes, and other components for the money between a Case IH 883, 1083, Deere 843, 893. What are thing I should look out for on a corn head? TIA.
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