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IH Hydro 100
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Posted 2/21/2010 00:17 (#1085108)
Subject: IH Hydro 100

Does anyone have any experience with these tractors? My grandmother has one back home and am interested in shinning it up. Since my grandpa passed, nobody uses it. The neighbors come over to blow snow, so it just sits in the shed. What kind of HP does it have? I looked on tractorhouse ( ) and found one without a cab that was reconditioned and listed 104 HP. Is that right or has it been tweaked? That tractor looks great. Grandmas has a cab and I think it could look as good! The only other Hydro 100 listed is just like grandmas ( ) but says it has 20HP. One of these listings can't be right.

Anyway I just was wondering if anyone has any information on these tractors. Thank you very much!
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