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JD 8850
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Posted 3/31/2007 17:32 (#128822)
Subject: JD 8850

SW North Dakota
I read alot of posts on here that refer to the deere 8850 with the 955 V8 as being unreliable and short lived with overhauls after 2000 hrs. As far as my experience goes and the people in our area they seem to be a fairly solid engine. Our personal tractor has around 9700 hrs with around 700 hrs on the first OH. The other 2 in my area have about 5-6000 hrs and are still running strong. I think maybe people either have poor maintenance programs or they just were asking to much out of the 370 hp machine. We always run ours at about 1900 rpm and pull a adequate load (35ft seeder) and havent had a problem. Like they say if you take care of it, it will take care of you. I'm not saying it was a good design as its a bear to work on(cleaning radiator) but I dont think it is at all as worthless as people make it out to be. Im just curious if anyone else has had good experience with this tractor? Thanks and good luck this spring everyone!
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