| In the market for a smaller h.p. 4 wd tractor. Salesman called and said he's got a 1996 JD 8570 4wd with 3750 hrs, 3 hyd, 24 speed, with 20.8 x 38 tires(at only 40%). Wanting a smaller h.p. so i don't have to change over my entire tillage line. My current tillage tractor is a JD 4560 mfwd so going up to 250 hp I could keep my field cultivator and just have to get a new disk ripper. Which needs to be replaced anyhow. What do you guys think about these tractors.... good, bad, ugly or run away fast. Being 26 years 7 days old and growing up on a small farm I don't have much any experience with 4 wd tractors. Also what do you guys think this would be worth and any problems to search for as i might be going to look at it tomorrow or early next week. Searched a few older posts on here and only negative i found was that i have to realize it's only a 250 hp. tractor in a big frame and i understand that. thanks in advance for any replies. i'm sure you guys will be very helpful as you have been in the past.. by the way i'm in s.w. MN and it is a local trade so i will call the previous owner. |