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It’s propaganda until the prices rise
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Posted 3/10/2025 13:38 (#11141166)
Subject: It’s propaganda until the prices rise

He wouldn’t be posting tweets like this unless the farmers opinion matter.

I’m not saying change political ideology, but voicing your opinions for higher prices I think can go a long way. I don’t want farmers being the patsy for this trade war.

I was thinking about the trade war with China and what I remember actually happening. Seems like

Nvidia couldn’t sell gpus to China, and China didn’t buy beans from us.

Deepseek shows it was a pointless effort because not only do they have comparable ai but they did it for a fraction of the cost. The parable give a man a fish and feed him for a day or force him to become resourceful so he no longer needs you comes to mind.

And Brazil was able to expand out their farmable land and infrastructure creating more competition for us.

It was a lose lose in the long run.

Edited by Deltamudd 3/10/2025 13:40

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