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Fix for Noco boost not charging - success
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Posted 4/5/2024 09:31 (#10694736)
Subject: Fix for Noco boost not charging - success

West-Central IL
A public service announcement for those that have this issue

I have a Noco gbx155 that had been pulled down too low and refused to take a charge.

First things first, try the 12volt adapter in a vehicle to charge, this sometimes works better as the USB port is limited to the amps it can carry.

That was not working for me this time.
Through you tube I found someone who had tried this trick.
I purchased a usb-a to alligator clip adapter for $6 on Amazon

Put the USB into the output port on the gbx.
Using a small trickle charger attach only the ground to the USB adapter.
Attach the positive lead from charger to positive battery clamp on the gbx.
At this point using a multimeter you can test the voltage of the internal battery. Mine was below 8 volts.
Turn on the trickle charger.
The multimeter showed a slow uptick in voltage over the next 10 minutes.
Use a very slow rate of charge (1 amp in this case) and do not
leave it unattended.
Once the internal battery on the gbx reached about 10 volts I started to get light or activity if I pressed a button on the gbx (previously no response).
At 12 volts I placed it on the car charger and it began to take a charge for the first time in a month!
This morning full charge and ready to use
The gbx is now showing about 16.5 volts with the multimeter, again using the usb-a adapter to complete the ground circuit.

Give it a try, hope it works for you.

Edited by Ringo539 4/5/2024 09:44

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