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John Deere 7200r vs 7930 vs 8130
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Posted 11/24/2013 20:45 (#3467325)
Subject: John Deere 7200r vs 7930 vs 8130

west of Omaha NE
Looking at trading in 7800jd 2wd. Would use it on a 90ft pull type sprayer, 700bu grain cart some light tillage have an 8285r for heavy tillage. Was looking at 7930 and 7200r both mfwd this past weekend. The 7200 look like they have 4 transmission IVT, power quad 16speed, auto quad 20sp, and command quad plus. What do I need I would a assume the IVT would cost the most but what about the other pros or con? of each. Or should I look for a small 8XXX tractor? do they turn short
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