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Pionner seed GDU rankings?
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Posted 9/17/2024 07:10 (#10893519)
Subject: Pionner seed GDU rankings?

I have been planting a pioneer number 0404. It is a 104 day corn. I also seed some 4375 dekalb. The 0404 for me seems to be a nice hybrid so far. I have had it 2 years one was a 21 inch rain year and this year is a 14 inch rain year. My question is when you look at the the GDUs to physical maturity it says 2450. Does that mean black layer? My dekalb 4375 is 2325. What i am wondering is does pioneer use a different rating scale? These 2 hybrids seem to be awfully close in GDUs to maturity since one is a 93 day and the other is a 104 day. I have been chopping the 104 day but thinking about planting it to combine since it is so close in maturity to the 93 day.
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