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John Deere Autotrac question
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Posted 12/30/2015 12:52 (#4997897)
Subject: John Deere Autotrac question

I have a 8400 john deere. It has had all the parts to make it autotrac ready,(steering valve, reciever mount, armrest switch, wiring harnesses etc..) Also I have a 2600 monitor with no activations. Through john deere I estimate it would cost at least $6,500 for reciever and SF1 activation. I know I could by a used ITC receiver for around $1000, but I cant seem to come up with any used activations. Is there any other brands that I could go with that would still utilize the parts I have but not cost as much, example (trimble, agleader, outback) Or is my only option to buy a new SF1 activation. I dont need 100% accuracy just something good enough for tillage.
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