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sonic pre emergent herbicide - can I work it in?
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Posted 4/30/2015 21:50 (#4546170)
Subject: sonic pre emergent herbicide - can I work it in?

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
I have a field of stalks that was chiseled accept for the end rows and field edges last fall. I wanted to get the co-op to spray it for me ASAP with RUp/Sonic. Then plant beans. But I need to work it still around the edges as well as the rest of the field.

My question is can I have them spray sonic now and then work the ground in a day or two when its more fit to work, then plant it to beans? Or can sonic not be worked in? I'm unsure of this. My dad said I better ask someone...

Marestale is the biggest weed issue I'm battling with the preemergents.

Its a very small 13 acre field that I want to get planted ASAP to get it off sooner this fall to do some more drainage/tree removal is the reason I'm wanting to hit this field early.
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