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jd 792 excavator hydraulics question
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Posted 10/26/2017 08:51 (#6328272)
Subject: jd 792 excavator hydraulics question

Ohio City Ohio
Looking at buying a 792, but its got some hydraulic issues. when we looked at it/played with it some functions didn't hardly work, if one was very gently while moving stick very little it would work, but as soon as you would go to far the particular function would stop. some functions seamed to work all the time one way but not the other. Swing function seemed to work all the time. One track seamed to always work while other needed that slow gentle movement of peddle for it to try to move. Owner says once warm everything works but is slow and said one hydraulic pump growls. We did not hear any growling other than a bang when you move lever to lift boom up to far/fast. Its all mechanical valves and linkages with a lever going from valve bank linkage to top of each hydraulic pump, I assume some sort of "demand" signal lever for lack of better words. Don't know much about this hydraulic system but seems to be that one pump is not working like it should, or the mechanism that controls pump is not working like it should.
So does anybody have suggestions on the issue and or have any suggestions to trouble shoot further? Have not bought this machine but price is right and pretty clean machine. Would be ok to spend some money on it but don't want to buy a pump hoping that fixes it and than having more problems.

Edited by wffoker 10/26/2017 08:52

(jd 792.jpg)

Attachments jd 792.jpg (29KB - 81 downloads)
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