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Case IH Magnum 225 SCR system Failure
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Posted 9/23/2017 17:55 (#6265760)
Subject: Case IH Magnum 225 SCR system Failure

Grays Creek, NC
Our 225 Magnum has approx. 1200 hrs on it, we’ve been using this week for pulling a fertilizer spreader. Typically the engine load is between 30-50%, this tractor rarely does heavy work. This morning it started throwing the code 3589 and saying SCR system failure. You could cut it off and right back on, and the code would go away for about an hour, then come back. I parked it for 3-4 hrs, and then switched it to a 26’ disk. About 45 mins into disking, the red stop sign started flashing and it started beeping, and it was flashing SCR Failure but the code was gone. Now when you cut it off and back on the stop sign stays lit up and it says SCR system failure. The DEF tank is nearly full, and we’ve never had an issue with it before. Thoughts?
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