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Cat 3306 & D333C engine similarities
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Posted 1/11/2014 13:26 (#3595233)
Subject: Cat 3306 & D333C engine similarities

Southeast SD
Some of you helped me out a lot already with my dead Cat 235 excavator and I appreciate it. We went and looked it over yesterday and after a lot of your responses decided our best bet was to get the current motor running or replace it where it sat. That was good advice from where the excavator was sitting it would be very difficult to get it loaded dead. Anyways now we are looking for a good running engine to put in it, ran across one out of a Cat 627A scraper that a guy has and he said its actually a D333C engine but the same block as a 3306 we might just have to swap some components....... Does anyone know how close they are and what components we might be needing to swap? I'd rather not swap a whole pile of stuff out in the field like that so trying to do some research to see what we might be up against there. As always thanks for your guy's help.


Also if anyone knows of a good running 3306 that would fit this excavator around South Dakota I'd appreciate any leads.

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