My wife and I tied the knot. Sometimes it seems to me that everything I do is wrong, but the most important decision I ever made (to marry this gal) was a winner. It was 1956, the third year of the worst drought in Nebraska since the 1930's. My wife had a job teaching in a one-room country school for $150 per month and I was working for a neighboring rancher for $5 per day plus trying to start farming on a rented dry-land farm using my Dad's equipment. I borrowed my Dad's 1953 Ford for the short trip we took to Lincoln because I was afraid my '47 Plymouth wouldn't make it. We spent the night, went to a couple movies (I remember one of them was "The Birds and The Bees" with George gobel), toured the Capitol building the next day, and got home in time to help put up what little dab of hay we had in that dry year. As the saying goes we started with nothing, and now after 53 years we still have most of it left. |