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case ih magnum rowtrac
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Posted 12/11/2022 20:49 (#9978261 - in reply to #9977222)
Subject: RE: case ih magnum rowtrac

Central Illinois
Ride quality and traction is the major advantage with rowtracs. We rarely see more than 2-3% slip. There were a lot of problems with earlier Magnum Rowtrac narrow tracks (16/18) on the narrow undercarriage especially with extended road time or 3pt loads. I have 24" tracks set at 120" and have not had any problems with tracks, but I do have very limited roading (and limit my speed). If you are going slow on the ends for planting, berming is almost non existent (unlike 2 track tractor). I have seen beaming on the grain cart if it comes in a little hot then a sharp turn, but the berm is actually coming from the front tires. As said earlier the entry steps are a bit awkward, but not a real issue unless you have mobility problems. The wide stance makes accessibility much easier if the tractor needs worked on. The ride height is slightly taller so good for the grain cart. The 340 could have a PS or CVT. The CVT is much preferred for the planter or grain cart, but you would probably give up some pull on heavy tillage. These are heavier than their wheeled counterpart. If you want to increase the horsepower, it can easily be made a 380+ with a CVT, but not the power shift. If your plan is to get from one field to the next fast then the wheeled tractor is quicker, but actually working in the field I would not want to go back to wheels.
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