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SMS Boundary vs. ATV Driven Boundary?
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Posted 5/4/2006 12:50 (#9945)
Subject: SMS Boundary vs. ATV Driven Boundary?

Little Eqypt - Southern Illinois
Has anyone compared boundaries created off of yield maps in SMS to boundaries created by driving the field with an ATV/GPS? If so how close are they in both acres and the actual boundary line?

I know that I can drive the boundary two or three times and not get the same lines or acres, so the question is also how close is close enough.

I have several acres that I need to get accurate boundaries on, but don’t have time (plus it is wet) right now to get this done. I generally drive field boundaries with the ATV so that the GPS antenna is to the outside of the outside most row.

This could save me bunch of time and something to be done while the water goes down.

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