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oliver 1855/1955 questions
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Posted 10/6/2022 09:04 (#9875534 - in reply to #9874962)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855/1955 questions

As far as Perkins we had 2-354T & 2- 354 non turbo's but the Turbo engines did not hold up very well in heavy use like 2000 to 3000 hrs before a major overhaul not as good as the Deere 404 & 466 which got 8000 hrs with no overhaul & used heavy & no ovedrhauls yet. This was in MF 1100 & 1135 tractors & the non turbo in MF 510 & 550 combine & the combines would only use 3 gal of diesel/hr. Why did the MF Perkins leak so much oil all over the engines & neighbors White 2-105 did not with the same motors?
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