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Posted 2/2/2007 15:49 (#98203 - in reply to #97565)
Subject: As my Deere salesman says...

Alberta, Canada
Was talking to my Deere salesman yesterday, he said the new tractor should be delivered on Monday morning so long as they've got time to work on it (PDI) today, hopefully there wouldn't be any "sick tractors" coming into the shop instead. I made a comment on how I thought they didn't get sick, we were counting on it to be problem-free, and his response was that they spend most of their time fixing operator-caused problems, such as doing things with it that it wasn't designed to do. "Deeres don't break down, people break them."

And yes, we were both using dry humor there, so don't some of you go off on a rant about it.
All brands break down, some brands just build a better quality product, and some have better service than others.

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