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Does John Deere have an electric combine?
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Posted 7/28/2022 09:55 (#9769821 - in reply to #9619155)
Subject: RE: Does John Deere have an electric combine?

For 20 years I've been saying combines should be electric. Although I was thinking a Diesel engine running a generator which in turn powers everything else. Imagine for a moment every shaft having it's own motor independent of everything else. Continuous feedback with power determined by load and variable speed on every motor. No belts, no chains no side loads on bearings. MAYBE even no hydraulics?? Something to consider. Also keep in mind there are new advancements in batteries being made every day. Solid state will be a game - changer. As far as remote re-fueling - imagine a huge battery pack that you would just take to the field and swap out. And in off season used on something else!
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