| poorboy - 6/15/2022 08:50
Where I live people were putting bad stuff in the hose, but leaving the rest of the tank as normal fuel. Crooks had car die from bad stuff in hose and farmer got charged (and lost in court) because it was ruled that it was malicous intent by only filling the hose.
So you would want to fill the tank with bad stuff and then it is your storage site for said liquid. Just make sure it is bad stuff that could have come from your operation and need to be stored. Ie water mixed with fuel or pure water or def fluid mixed with water or fuel. Sugar mixed with anything would be viewed as malicous intent here if it was mixed and put in the tank.
Ummm yeah.....prove it.......vandals must have sabotaged my tank, I have no clue how that got in there.
And where are they getting money to hire a lawyer??
Edited by mac4440 6/16/2022 15:59